Monday, January 10, 2011

Play to Win

"Do or do not. There is no try." Jedi Master Yoda

I've heard people say that showing up is half the battle. And you know what? They're right. My business partner and I have accomplished so much in the past year just from being present, being active, being players in the game. Some things we went after and caught. Some things were tossed to us when we didn't expect it. Some things are still hanging in mid-air and we'll be able to grab them soon. And it's all been very good.

So...maybe the ball didn't fly gloriously through the air and land right in your glove the way that you envisioned. But if you don't hang your head and walk away, perhaps you'll be able to slide under it and catch it next time. Sure, it won't be as pretty as you planned. And you'll probably get really dirty. But the end result is that you did what you came to do. It got done. And you scored one for the team.

I recommend that you commit to doing it. Whatever your 'it' is. Don't try to make the networking event. Write it down in your calendar. Arrange a babysitter. And go.

Don't try to achieve your sales goals. Hit the streets and the phone lines until it's done.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Commit to each and every one of them.

Adrienne Adams is an author and business coach. She is passionate about helping women earn an income doing what they love to do -- and are probably already doing for free!

Would you like more information? Visit

Monday, January 3, 2011

Being the Best You All Year

New Year's Eve is one of those moments in time that should be liquefied, bottled, and prescribed for those who need a dose of motivation. It's a moment of possibility and excitement. It's having an idea about what's to come, but being ready to get to it already. It's knowing that you have the opportunity for a do-over, or a chance to do it bigger and better than before. It's what we celebrate just once a year, but open our eyes to each morning.

As you move forward with your goals for 2011, I want to encourage you to remember that each day is one to be reflective, and realize new potential. In the past few months, I have gotten into a daily habit that has served me well and I'd like to share it with you.

Be Positive

Before you jump out of bed, complaining about how late you are and how everyone was supposed to prepare better the night before (five kids, I've been there), pause, do a mental switch and be thankful that you and your family are seeing another day. Make a note of what you need to do differently so that your days go smoother. Sandwich complaints in between compliments. In business, spend time working out solutions instead of staring at the obstacles.

Take Care

I'm sure that most lists for the new year include more of something. More money. More clients. More material things. More house. While I have a picture of a much grander abode on my vision board, it is still our responsibility to take care of the home that we have now. I spend time each day getting things in order. Do you only have a client or two? Even if they're friends and family, draw up paperwork and schedule appointments. You'll have all of your ducks in a row when you get more. More comes when we've done a good job with what we have.


There is always something that you can give. A smile. Encouragement. Spare change. Look for ways to help others.

Move Forward

Now that you've changed your attitude, put in some time taking care of what you have, and helped someone else, you are absolutely creating a climate where you can achieve great success. Stick to your goals and come up with a list of a few things to accomplish each day. Be consistent. This time next year, you want to have 365 days worth of effort to show for it!

Adrienne Adams is an author and business coach. She is passionate about helping women earn an income doing what they love to do -- and are probably already doing for free!

Would you like more information? Visit

Monday, December 27, 2010

Three Reasons to Work Through the Holidays

I hope that your holiday season is going beautifully. Were you thinking of taking the rest of the year off? Here are a few reasons why you shouldn't.

- Your prospects are available.

Most people are enjoying a few days off between now and the new year. If you've had trouble reaching Jack and Jill, chances are, they are taking it easy and catching up on the things that they haven't had time to take care of before. And that's where you come in.

With everyone else on vacation, your prospective client has a moment or two to speak with you. Give them a call and gift them with the solutions that they are looking for this season.

- The focus is on the new year.

It's the end of 2010. Everyone is talking about what they want their 2011 to look like. If you're an event planner, tap into Jill's need to have the wedding of the summer. Are you a fitness coach? Now is the right time to help Jack work out a plan to get into shape before his 40th birthday. People are ready to make a change and take action.

- You have to create your own 2011 plan.

There is nothing worse than sleeping through the holidays and waking up to find yourself ankle deep in a new year with no idea of where you're going or how to get there. Use some of this quiet time to design your own blueprint for success. The better organized and efficient you are in your business, the better you can serve others through it.

Adrienne Adams is an author and business coach. She is passionate about helping women earn an income doing what they love to do -- and are probably already doing for free!

Would you like more information? Visit

Monday, December 20, 2010

Rest! Reflect! Renew!

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening my ax." Abraham Lincoln

Seasons Greetings!

I am just back from an absolutely wonderful cruise vacation. Meals, housekeeping, child care, every need was met against the backdrop of clear skies, blue waters, and beautiful sunsets. It was my own little piece of--dare I say--heaven. The pics haven't quite completed their journey from teenager's digital camera to hubby's computer to my inbox, but I'll be sure to post a few next week.

I'd like to encourage you all to take a few days away from doing and just be. It's important that you leave your responsibilities, otherwise, you'll feel inclined to take care of them. This could mean staying at a friend's house for the weekend, checking into a hotel, or sending the kids to stay with auntie or the grandparents for a few days. Turn off your phone and hide the laptop from yourself. I didn't take a computer on the cruise and cell phone roaming fees would have been ridiculous, so I wasn't tempted to take care of any business at all.

Vacations aren't optional. They are necessary. We become dull with use and have to spend some time sharpening ourselves. Be sure to take at least a weekend as soon as you can. Below are some ideas for how you can spend your free time.

- I spent the first day and a half of our trip being thankful and just relaxing. Eating. Sleeping. Inhaling. Exhaling. Enjoying my family without having to worry about housework, schoolwork, or a hectic schedule. Don't do anything, just be.

- As entrepreneurs and go-getters,our minds are often on overdrive and there is only so much resting that we can do. Once the thoughts and ideas start to creep in, write them down. If you're inspired to do something new, it's good to jot down an outline or strategy that you can implement when you return. Have you had a particular problem? There were some things that I prayed about and turned over and over in my mind until I received a solution.

- Do you desire to be a better person? A better parent or spouse? Do you have business goals that you want to meet? Chances are, you vowed to do something a year ago, or a few years ago, and have fallen off the wagon. Renew your vow! Be true to yourself about what you need to do and then learn more about how you can get it done. I brought along a book and read a couple of chapters each day.

Take some time for yourself and come back sharper than ever!

Adrienne Adams is an author and business coach. She is passionate about helping women earn an income doing what they love to do -- and are probably already doing for free!

Would you like more information? Visit

Monday, December 6, 2010

Business & Balance

At our monthly tea this past Saturday, we had a great group discussion sharing the business habits that we are going to carry into 2011 and searching for alternatives to the things that we'd rather leave behind.

In a room full of women, with most of us being job-and-household-and-family-and-business juggling moms , it's no wonder that we spent some time discussing how we can better balance it all in the new year.

Here are a few tips to keep all of the balls in the air at once.

Define your new normal.

Accept that your situation has changed. If it used to take you twenty hours a week after working your day job to take care of home and family and now that you've started your business, you only have five hours a week...something has to give. Maybe you can use the crockpot and paper plates a few times each week to cut down on a messy kitchen. Perhaps hubby can get the kids ready for bed at night and fold the laundry. This new season of your life calls for a new plan.

Set limits.

It's very easy to renege on the schedule that you set for yourself. "I'll just finish cleaning up this room," or "I'll just make a few more phone calls" can easily turn into moving all of the furniture around in the house or working very late into the night. These extreme actions in one area leave you lacking in another and scrambling to make up for it the next day. Learn how to complete the task, be satisfied with the accomplishment and move on to the next thing. Between family and friends, there will be enough pressing issues that get you a little off track from time to time. Maintain the schedule when you can and it will help in the long run.

Live in the moment.

You are more effective when you are focused. Reading emails while watching a movie with the family takes away from the family time. What would it be like if everybody in the room was doing it? Inform close friends of your at home "work" hours. You can't talk to them any more after work than you could during the day. You're busy. Give your company the respect that it deserves. Multi-tasking is not always a good thing.

Happy Holidays! May your upcoming year be 2011 times better than your last!

Adrienne Adams is an author and business coach. She is passionate about helping women earn an income doing what they love to do -- and are probably already doing for free!

Would you like more information? Visit

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are you google-licious?--Three Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Google

It seems fitting that Labor Day signals the start of a new work season. The kids go back to school and adults say goodbye to the long days of summer, hunkering down and keeping busy until more vacation time with the family rolls around during the winter holiday season.

In business, being busy doesn't always mean progress. We can get stuck in 'busy mode,' and our efforts don't yield results. How many times have we researched the same thing over and over again? Edited and re-edited an article? Planned an event until we couldn't plan anymore?

Upon coming back from the long weekend, I was at a loss as to what I should write about. I headed to Google's homepage to do a search for one reason or another and was instantly entertained by a 'google ' of colorful bubbles. And then. It hit me.

Here are three things that entrepreneurs can learn from Google to ensure that their labor is productive. Enjoy!

--- Be YOUnique. It keeps people coming back to see what you're doing next.
Okay. I know that I'm not the only one who checks out Google during the holidays to see how they've managed to manipulate their letters to make a cool picture. We lose something when we try to be like someone else. Whatever flair, talent, know-how, or individuality that you possess, use it! It helps you to stand out from the pack. People remember when you do something well. They also remember when you do something different.

---- Get involved.
So, this is tied to the really cool pictures. Google partnered with the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and started a competition called Doodle 4 Google. Talented students K-12 had the opportunity to enter and have their drawing displayed on Google's homepage. The winner this year received a $15,000 college scholarship, a netbook computer and a $25,000 technology grant for a new computer lab at her school. We reap what we sow. Giving is essential.

---- Diversify.
I've had a Gmail account for some years now. I also have a Google Voice number. My sister loves her Google Chrome toolbar and is trying to sell me on Google Talk. You get the point, I'm sure. Offer your clients a service or product. Make sure it's great. Then, figure out what else they need and offer it. Make sure that's great too. Repeat. Multiple income streams are what millionaires are made of.

Visit us at where we encourage women in entrepreneurship and faith!

Monday, August 23, 2010

School is in Session!

'Tis the season for kids to head back to school. But children aren't the only ones that need to keep learning. Being teachable and trainable is a must for entrepreneurs. Below are a few things that you can do to make sure that your company makes the grade!

- Take a class.

Are you up to date with the latest information in your field? Perhaps there is a more efficient way to do things that you should be studying. It's important to keep looking for ways to set you apart from your competition and to provide the best products and services possible.

- Join an association, club, or networking group.

There is absolutely nothing like being in the presence of like-minded people who help you to be a better you. Exchange ideas. Start a mastermind group. Partner and host events together. Make sure that you are around those who encourage you to go higher and higher.

-Read. Read. Read.

Some things never change. Reading is still fundamental. There is no point in reinventing the wheel. Everything that you desire to do, someone else has done and succeeded. Read an autobiography to learn how they did it. The entrepreneurial road can get rocky sometimes. Read a self-empowerment book to keep your spirits up. Don't have time to attend a class? Read a how-to book to master a new technique.

Implementing these easy tips will ensure that you reach the next level of business success!

Adrienne Adams a mom of five and president of the It's Not Enough to Dream Women's Small Business Circle. She helps everyday women go from dreaming a dream to creating their futures.

To learn more about how she can help you, visit and schedule a membership appointment.